Sunday, March 11, 2012


No pictures this time (sorry for you lazies), just some of the responses I've gotten after telling people I'm moving to Indonesia.

[Sorted by number of occurrence for your convenience]

Many a time:

"Happy for you, sad for me" or some variation. - Let's hug it out, bitch.

"OMG/OMFG!!1!11!" - I know, right?!

A couple of times:

"Why? No, seriously, why? Why in [expletive]'s name would you do that?" - *Sigh* Get out of your comfort zone much?

"What's wrong with Holland?" - So many things, but that's not what this is about.

"That's quite far." - Yes, approximately 6800 miles.

And the rarest of gems:

"What about your parents?" - They're self-sufficient, mentally competent adults.

"What does that mean for us?" - What us?

"I don't think I could miss my soccer club for that long" - Eh, well... Wait, what?!

"Oh. Can I move into your room then?" - Nope, already taken.

And my personal favorite:

"You do realize you will have to eat a lot of Indonesian food there, don't you?" - Thanks, Sherlock.

In other news: nothing really. But I have started to move stuff back to the good ol' parents' house. So now my room is deteriorating like people who use 'krokodil' (google it, not for the faint of heart).

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